i have a dream.

In the words of Luther... I have a dream....for the church...not just for a nation geographically, or even for the content of character rather than the colour of skin...but for the hearts of leaders, to turn back to their Lord...the church...

Where serving is not used as a 'means of grace'...worth is not found in works or the building of a system but instead where there is a cultivation of 'working out your own salvation', and for chains to be broken from the ankles of slaves not just of colour, but slaves of religiosity and performance driven success.

I have a dream that within each one of us, we are looking to the Lord for our healing...stripping off the need to use power in place of weakness...

I have a dream to let people be themselves where they are...with no need to cover, hide, or be judged....where I am not holding them to their own failures, weaknesses or shortcomings...but to allow a place of rest, peace and acceptance in the place of confusion and discontentment.

Once those failings are faced...weaknesses are looked straight in the eye...shortcomings are traced...and vulnerability is sitting at your door...that is the place where we then let go our urgency to hide ourselves away, to stop using people to escape from ourselves and as a result, get up again and again and again...

Then it may be possible to say 'free at last, free at last...thank God Almighty I am free at last!!'